Espoo, Finland. 03.10 2024 – WISDOM is providing the necessary technologies for collision avoidance, including positioning, tracking, inter-satellite communication, and autonomous decision-making capabilities in the absence of human intervention.
The collaboration involves C3S LLC, a CubeSat platform provider, and Aurora Propulsion Technologies Oy, specializing in thrusters and plasma brakes for deorbiting. The Plasma Brake system, adapted for CubeSats, is currently at TRL5, targeting spacecraft in the 2 kg – 1000 kg range.
The project will demonstrate it in orbit with a 6U satellite that separates into two 3U CubeSats, each platform equipped with GNSS, to showcase inter-satellite data exchange’s usefulness in different collision avoidance scenarios. By empowering satellites to manage their collision avoidance proactively, WISDOM aims to enhance space traffic management and mitigate the risks associated with the growing number of orbiting objects.
“This is an exciting mission and features many novel aspects to the CubeSat industry. We’re especially happy to collaborate on such an advanced mission promoting the sustainable use of space” says Aurora CEO Perttu Yli-Opas.
”We are pleased to have found a partner for the mission who actively supports us in exploring and testing critical manoeuvring capabilities in the project. We are looking forward to our collaboration with Aurora!” says C3S CEO Gyula Horváth.
After nearly six months of collaborative efforts between the two companies, this extremely complex project has successfully reached the Critical Design Review (CDR) milestone. At this stage, we have completed the detailed design of the two 3U CubeSats, developed the collision avoidance mechanism protocol, finalized the design for inter-satellite communication, and demonstrated the separation of the two 3U satellites under laboratory conditions. The project will enter a new phase at the beginning of September, when manufacturing is set to begin.
During the project, the consortium plans to demonstrate in a safe manner several possible use cases and avoidance solutions that may occur during the lifetime of a satellite. The product will allow several satellite manufacturers in the future to plan a safer mission with an easy-to-integrate subsystem and service with a proven heritage.
WISDOM, which is a part of the ESA NAVISP program, is scheduled for launch in October 2025 when space experiments will begin on board the 2 satellites.
Aurora Propulsion Technologies Media Contact:
Timo Mustonen | +358 40 5544 410 |
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About Aurora Propulsion Technologies.
Aurora Propulsion Technologies’ mission is to ensure sustainable use of space, whilst prolonging the useful lifespan of satellites. Our technologies enable effective and prompt implementation of satellite position and orientation to ensure successful execution and growth for the owners’ business as well as the safe and reliable deorbiting of satellites at the end of their useful life. The long-term mission goal is deep space exploration with microsatellite-sized probes using a revolutionary means of propulsion, an electric sail. Visit Aurora Propulsion Technologies at
About C3S Electronics Development LLC.
C3S LLC is a Hungarian space industry company specializing in designing and manufacturing high-reliability 3-16U platforms and robust and redundant subsystems that meet the requirements of scientific and industrial IoT constellations, or Earth observation missions. C3S has gained a prominent position among nanosatellite companies by implementing large satellite solutions and technologies in nano-size, which grants long life cycles and high reliability for spacecraft. In addition to CubeSats, the company also designs electrical power systems and payload control systems for large satellites.